Sunday, August 25, 2024

Soros Spends $117 Million to Elect, Control Leftist D.A.s Throughout U.S.


This is a must-read. 

Radical billionaire George Soros spend $117 million to elect and control leftist county prosecutors through out the U.S., according to Judicial Watch.

They begin their article with:

In a scheme to promote a radical leftwing overhaul of the U.S. justice system, billionaire George Soros has spent about $117 million in the last few years to elect then control dozens of liberal county prosecutors throughout the nation, a new report reveals. Once elected the prosecutors, typically known as district attorneys who represent the government in criminal cases, meet regularly with representatives from Soros-funded nonprofits that coordinate and manage the chief officials responsible for upholding and enforcing the law in their respective districts. The Soros machine orders prosecutors to practice leftist policies that are soft on crime, target police and political opponents. The district attorneys are also directed not to enforce certain laws such as those protecting children from chemical castration and genital mutilation, procedures justified by the left as “life-saving gender-affirming” for transgender individuals.

To read more, go here

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