Saturday, September 21, 2024

Ridgway Grit Series Event Today

Above, the start and finish arch. Photo by Armand Vaquer.

Today's the day that I will be heading about 11 miles west of Ridgway, Colorado to help with the John Wayne Cancer Foundation's Grit Series half marathon and 5k. 

It goes from 7:00 AM to 1:00 PM today. 

I will be working one of the aid stations for the runners. I did this last year and had a great time. I was plagued with allergy issues last year, but I am prepared this year will allergy meds. 

The route include some locations used in True Grit (1969) for the Ross Family ranch scenes. Ridgway itself was also used in the movie and many locations there are still recognizable today. 

I have to head out early this morning to the marathon site near the Last Dollar Ranch.

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