Friday, September 13, 2024

Team Trump Internal Memo On Debate

 This is interesting:


  1. After a 3 against 1 (unsuccessful) gang-up on Trump, now the media is trying to convince people that Kamala's non-answers, outright lies, and disgusting personal attacks on Trump carried the day for her. This is what they managed to do in 1976 when the majority of viewers of the Ford/Carter debate awarded the win to Ford. A couple of weeks later, thanks to the media deliberately misinterpreting one vague point Ford made, a majority now believed that Carter had won the debate. At least two things are different today. 1) Almost nobody believes what the corporate media "reports" anymore. 2) People can bypass the media thanks to the internet (at least until the globalists succeed at stopping us). Harris lost because she had a big task and failed; she needed to define herself as someone worthy of a vote, but her empty platitudes ("an opportunity economy," "I believe in the dreams of the American people," etc. ad nauseam) utterly failed to do that. Trump is already defined, all he had to do was not make any mistakes. He did that, and more, calling out Kamala on inflation and the border over and over and over. He handed all three of his opponents their asses on a platter and than calmly walked out.

    1. Harris's bullshit lies seem to have been to no avail. Rasmussen poll: Trump +6% over Harris since the debate.
