Tuesday, September 17, 2024

Whistleblower: ABC Debate Collusion With Kamala Harris

While the debate between Kamala Harris and Donald Trump was in progress, I smelled a rat. She was just too good. 

Although her answers were evasive (to put it mildly) she seemed so ready that only someone who had the questions in advance could do.

Resist The Mainstream reported:

ABC News finds itself at the center of a controversy surrounding the recent Trump-Harris presidential debate.

The network vehemently denies allegations of collusion with Harris’s team, following the emergence of a document purportedly written by an anonymous “whistleblower.”

The unverified affidavit, allegedly sworn and notarized on September 9, claims that ABC News provided Harris with debate questions in advance and agreed to certain preconditions to give her an advantage over Trump. 

Daily Mail reported that the document, supposedly authored by a male staffer with a decade-long tenure at the network, has rapidly gained traction on social media platforms.

To read more, go here.

1 comment:

  1. Of course, she might have sounded smooth because she gives the same rehearsed answers even when they have nothing to do with the question. "How will you deal with inflation?" "Look, I grew up in a middle class family. My mother worked and saved until she could buy our first house when we were teenagers. Blah, blah, blah." And don't forget to mention the "opportunity economy" a dozen times. (Nobody in the media ever asks her what that is.) So she didn't have to cheat, but she probably did anyway. She has no self-confidence. That comes from never having accomplished anything.
