Thursday, May 15, 2008

California's top court legalizes gay marriage

California's Supreme Court legalized gay marriage in a 4-3 decision today. California voters had previously voted to define marriage as a union between a man and a woman. This ruling overturns that law.

California voters have three choices: they can put a constitutional amendment on the November ballot banning gay marriage; they can vote out of office the justices who voted to allow gay marriage (if any are on the ballot for reconfirmation); or they can recall those justices (as California Chief Justice Rose Elizabeth Bird was recalled by the voters several years ago).

This is also a great opportunity for GOP candidates to point out just what kind of judges an Obama Administration would be appointing and confirmed by a liberal Democrat Congress.

The differences couldn't be more glaring.


  1. Or they can respect the rights of people different from themselves and let gay people enjoy the benefits of marriage. Just sayin'.

  2. Still trying to figure out why a gay couple getting married is so bad....

    answer ...its not...

    Dont like Gay marrage...then don't marry someone gay

    REPUBLICANS from thereis a lovely thought...

  3. I am not opposed to "gay marriage" per se (I prefer the civil union route), but it is the kinds of judges Obama would appoint that I am concerned about. I don't believe in legislating from the bench.

  4. Ah yes, the civil union route. Heterosexuals get marriage, homosexuals get civil unions. Two separate institutions with equal benefits.

    Hmmm.... Separate but equal... Does that sound right?

  5. There's an old saying: "Life isn't fair; the fair's in Pomona."
