Friday, May 16, 2008

Spineless Republicans

There was a time where the GOP had backbone with leaders in the mold of Ronald Reagan and John Wayne. Not anymore.

When President Bush spoke before the Israeli legislature yesterday about the dangers of appeasement, the Democrats screamed (and are still screaming) bloody murder.

The cry has been that it's "terrible" that Bush should make "a political attack on foreign soil." This has been echoed by many Democrats practically verbatim. Their media toadys have been amplifying this all over the place. But where's the rebuttals defending Bush by the Republican leadership and office-holders? There's been none! (Notice that the Democrats didn't deny that they engage in appeasement?)

The only voices defending Bush's speech have been on talk-radio by Sean Hannity, Rush Limbaugh, Michael Medved and others. But the Republican leadership has been AWOL on this.

The reason is simple, they are nothing but spineless political hacks and wusses whose only interest is to try to "get along" with the liberals in Congress and the media.

Do you wonder why we lost three recent special elections? The leadership has failed to stand up for the party's principles. They are completely useless.

It is high time that these Republican "leaders" grow some backbones or they will deserve to be defeated this November.


  1. .
    I agree, the GOP has too many spineless wimps sucking up to the Dems. The terrorist monkey can not be negotiated with. The only reason to maybe talk to Ahmadamadmonkey in say maybe Switzerland is to provoke him by debating his ideology and criticizing his hatred. Force him to say lots of stupid and insane things which would be widely publicized thus educating more people to his ideology's insanity. This, I am quite sure, Obama would never do.

    Ouch, Obama and the poor little Dems were hit a little too close to home by what GW said. It's one of the best things Bush has ever said. Bravo! And he didn't even have to mention the Dhimmicrats or any body's name.

    So sure, then he folded in Saudi Arabia, but what he said in Israel almost makes that OK.
    absurd thought -
    God of the Universe says
    appease the appeasers

    don't embarrass them
    by calling them appeasers

    absurd thought -
    God of the Universe said
    have a sit down with Hitler

    he should have been sweet-talked
    he had goodness within

    Appeasement Talk Bothers Appeasers

    Help Halt Terrorism Now!



  2. any of you people understand what APPEASMENT means??? First was Ronald Reagan thet did the whole "arms for hostages" THAT was appeasment!!! And our goverments sponsored Sadam Hussain for years (the CIA referred hi as "our man" ...and in return he offered oil at a fixed price...also appeasement...and also during the Reagan administration.

    Irans issues with the U.S go back top the fact that the CIA arranges a coup of a DOMOCRATICALLY elected goverment in the 1950s. The Shah was installed and the crackdown on dissent was unbelievable...thousands upon thousands were arrested and tortured....and many simply vanished. the 1980s, the US provided weapons to IUraq in the war. and turned a blind eye to Iraqs use of chemical and biological weapons....after that time...we just LOVED Sadamm...check out the pics of Rumsfeld and Chaney all cozy with him...he was a monster...but he was OUR monster.

    As For Bush...he,in his usual small minded way makes an outragious statement and confuses talking with a possible enemy with making radical concessions. Appeasement was NOT talking with Hitler...appeasment was giving away a another country to Hitler in the expectation that Hitler would be satisfied. If Bush had listened to the voices asking for more time in inspections...and the many people that rightly pointed out the Iraq had no part in 9/11...we would have 4000 less dead americans...4 trillion dollars to spend on health care and schools...iraq would not be suffering from 400,000 dead civilians and our reputation would not be in shreds.

    But then again...when do facts get in the way of conservatives...their minds are too closed to let in anything not waving a flag and carrying a bible...

  3. What Bush said was not inappropriate and it was true. Since he mentioned no name, the Democrats assumed that he was talking about Obama. If anyone fit the remarks, it was Jimmy Carter.

  4. To talk with a possible enemy or threat may keep them from becoming a real enemy. We talked with China...the USSR....if we talked more, yes...from a position of strength...there might be much less death...and more money not wasted of senseless wars. Bush and Chaney were not willing to fight for their country when the opportunity presented itself...but they sure are willing to send others to die. That make Bush's comments about wishing he was younger so he could go off and fight a romantic was even more pathetic.

    His exact quote is

    "I must say, I'm a little envious," Bush said. "If I were slightly younger and not employed here, I think it would be a fantastic experience to be on the front lines of helping this young democracy succeed."
    "It must be exciting for you ... in some ways romantic, in some ways, you know, confronting danger. You're really making history"

    What a f****ing contemptable dumbass

    One other thing. This whole "pre-emptive war" idea. If one looks at history, the same flawed rational that we have used in IRAQ was the same that Japan used in World War 2....It was wrong then...its still wrong today.

  5. Although communist states, the Soviets and Chinese are pragmatists. Plus, they have nukes. So talking with them would be prudent. However, when you have leaders who are fanatical idiots (i.e., Iran) who have expressed hostile intentions against Israel, sometimes talking to them will get you nowhere. We have attempted to engage them, but it seems to be falling on deaf ears.
    I was unaware of your Bush quote about "romance." That's not something I would have said, that's for sure. I understand what he was saying, but I wouldn't have said it.
    As for preemptive war, I am generally against such a policy. Your example of Japan is flawed as they were an aggressor nation. They were out for territorial expansion. If anything, had we known of their plans to attack Pearl Harbor, we would have been justified to attack their fleet before they launched their planes.
