Friday, August 1, 2008

Krauthammer: "Pelosi: Save The Planet, Let Someone Else Drill"

Charles Krauthammer has a new article on the idiocy of the Democrats' no-drill energy policy, "Pelosi: Save The Planet, Let Someone Else Drill." It is well-worth a read and the link to the article is below.

This is supposed to be a Democrat year, but with $4.00+ per gallon gasoline prices and the Democrats refusing to allow drilling offshore and in ANWR (Arctic National Wildlife Refuge), which the drilling area is about 1/6th the size of Dulles International Airport, this may not be the blow-out against Republicans after all.

Read the article and you'll see why!

Charles Krauthammer's "Pelosi: Save The Planet, Let Someone Else Drill


  1. The drilling issue is a non-issue as any economist will tell you. The 5 oil companies already have countless licences to drill on 75% of the US plateau yet they haven't drilled anywhere. This idea that they need additional licenses is only to sow up the remaining US territories they don't have. AND even if they do start drilling on new territories, there wouldn't be any gallons drawn up for TEN YEARS and that oil would be placed on the open market to be sold to anywhere INCLUDING CHINA meaning it wouldn't be solely used for the American public. The only resonable option to lower gas prices to regulate speculators to stop them from bidding on the price of oil. Other than that resources need to be placed on alternative fuels developed domestically by the states to allow them to be self-sufficient. New drilling does NOTHING.

  2. Why is it that liberals are so steadfastly determined that we don't do something to bring down oil prices and to end our dependency on foreign oil?

    "Economists" don't know anything about the oil business. If you increase the supply, prices will drop. Also, this whole notion that oil companies are sitting on oil leases with billions of oil is bogus. There's a reason they aren't, there isn't anything there or there's so little that it isn't worth the investment to get it.

    We can get to the oil within 2-3 years, not ten. Even the fact that we will be going after it (if Congress is allowed to debate and vote on it) would cause prices to drop.
