Saturday, August 2, 2008

Obama's Audacity of Hubris

The "Audacity of Hubris" is settling in on Barack Obama. In a closed meeting with Congressional Democrats, Obama declared, "I have become a symbol of the possibility of America returning to our best traditions."

This is just the latest in a string of comments and actions that Barack Obama has been taking since defeating Hillary Clinton for the Democratic nomination for president that opens him up to the "hubris charge."

Obama unveiled, and then promptly discarded (after criticism), a mock "presidential seal." Then he also indicated that he'll be president for "eight to ten years," despite the Constitutional limit of eight years.

Obama then obtained a campaign plane (below) with a big U.S. flag on the tail. However, Obama later replaced the American flag with the Obama Logo. Nothing like showing his patriotism!

Now the Republican National Committee has launched
Audacity Watch.

Many pundits (and some Democratic leaders) are concerned that Obama is "becoming too big for his britches." Many of us have noticed that for some time.

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