Thursday, August 14, 2008

Obama's "Global Poverty" Scam

Sen. Barack Obama currently has a socialist tax scam making its way in the U.S. Senate.

It is called the Global Poverty Act (S.2433). This act would force America to adopt the U.N.’s “Millennium Development Goals” as official U.S. policy. This means delegating (or outsourcing) to the United Nations all important decisions concerning the use of U.S. foreign aid dollars. Additionally, there would be a fee payable to the U.N. to play the “middleman” in our global war on poverty, which would be a tax of .7 percent of the U.S. Gross National Product. Obama and his radical liberal allies such as Senator Joseph Biden have co-signed onto a bill that would allow the U.N. to tax America (and Americans) an estimated $845 billion over the next 13 years.

S.2433 demands no accountability or reform from the poverty-stricken and frequently oppressive nations who are the recipients of our charitable generosity. United Nations Development Program is currently the “rich uncle” of terrorist states and rogue regimes by funneling millions to North Korea’s weapons programs and violating 95 U.S. export laws in the process.

The Global Poverty Act started in the U.S. House with 84 co-sponsors and quietly passed by a voice vote by Democrats and some well-meaning Republicans who had no idea what the bill contained. Obama has started an effort to ram the bill through the Senate with the help and support of socialist co-hort Sen. Joe Biden.

If passed, S.2433 will sacrifice our national sovereignty puts in motion the machinery that would allow the United Nations to tax Americans.

This is the biggest threat to our national sovereignty since the War of 1812. Contact your senator and congress member and tell them to vote against this socialistic fraud.

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