Thursday, August 14, 2008

Pelosi Slams Hillary Backers and Lieberman

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, in an interview with KGO Radio talk show host Ronn Owens in San Francisco, said that Hillary Clinton has been gracious to Obama but "I think some of her supporters have been less than gracious," she said. This is certain to infuriate Clinton's supporters. This is like throwing gasoline on a fire and it comes within weeks of the Democratic National Convention.

Despite taking in $52 million in June 2008 alone, presidential candidate Barack Obama received only $19,250 from major Hillary Clinton donors. Fewer than 3 percent of Clinton's top donors have given any money to the presumptive Democratic nominee.

Pelosi also slammed McCain supporter Sen. Joe Lieberman for comments he made against Obama while campaigning for Sen. John McCain. She says that Democrats may punish Lieberman by removing his committee chairmanships.

"Joe Lieberman has said things that are totally irresponsible when it comes to Barack Obama. Here we have a leader for the future, really a great leader for the future and one that comes along only every now and then, and they know it so they have to undermine him. And one of their best weapons, of course, is someone who is considered by some to be a Democrat," Pelosi said.

She is reticent about jeopardizing the Democrats' 51-49 majority in the Senate. But Pelosi warned that Lieberman's top spot on the Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee could be in jeopardy if Democrats gain seats in the Senate in November.

"The Democrats in the Senate are in a tough spot. They have 51 votes. Joe Lieberman organizes with them," Pelosi adds. "In 85 days or something, they will have five more Democrats. They won't need him to make the majority. And it will be interesting to see what the leadership in the Senate, the Democratic leadership in the Senate, does at that point in terms of Joe Lieberman's chairmanship of his committee."

It is funny that Pelosi is basically calling Lieberman "disloyal" to the Democratic Party when party leaders back-stabbed Lieberman by backing a candidate against him in 2006 in the Connecticut primary who beat Lieberman for the Democratic party senate nomination. Lieberman then ran as an independent and with the support of Republicans, he defeated the Democrat and Republican nominees. Lieberman caucuses with the Democrats.

It should be interesting to watch the Democratic National Convention at the end of this month.

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