Sunday, February 15, 2009

California Tax Revolt Starting?

According to Hugh Hewitt over at, there appears to be the beginnings of a tax revolt going on in Sacramento.

According to the Los Angeles Times:

But several hours after voting on the package of 27 bills began Saturday night, the momentum stalled. Sen. Dave Cox (R-Fair Oaks), who Democrats say indicated in private talks he was prepared to vote for the budget plan put together by the governor and legislative leaders, announced he would not support it. A spokeswoman for Cox said the senator was never on board with the budget plan.

See Beginnings of A Tax Revolt?

Hewitt: "It has become clear over the past 96 hours that any GOP legislator voting for the tax hikes is finished forever in state politics. That may be enough to stop the economic suicide that is a massive tax hike in the middle of a recession, but watch that space."

As Ronald Reagan used to say, "The government spends too much!" Maybe the GOP is finally realizing this in California.

Cross your fingers!

UPDATE: (7:47 PM) There are not enough votes to pass the budget! Three Republican 'yes' votes are needed and Schwarzenegger and the Democrats aren't getting them. One target is Sen. Abel Maldonado (R-Santa Maria). So far, he isn't voting for the budget proposal.

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