Sunday, February 15, 2009

Clunk! 2 Nuclear Subs Collide In Mid-Atlantic

Above, HMS Vanguard.

Clunk! 2 Nuclear Subs Collide In Mid-Atlantic

Source: The Sun

Two nuclear submarines, one British, the other French, collided out in the mid-Atlantic on February 3 or 4.

The British sub was the HMS Vanguard, part of the nuclear Trident fleet, and the French sub was the Le Triomphant. Both are nuclear-powered and both carried nuclear missiles.

Above, Le Triomphant.

According to The Sun:

As inquiries began, naval sources said it was a millions-to-one unlucky chance both subs were in the same patch of sea. Warships have sonar gear which locates submarines by sound waves.

But modern anti-sonar technology is so good it is possible neither boat “saw” the other.

A senior military source said: “The lines between London and Paris have been hot.”

A senior Navy source said: “The potential consequences are unthinkable. It’s very unlikely there would have been a nuclear explosion.

HMS Vanguard was towed into Faslane in Scotland, with dents and scrapes on her hull. Triomphant limped to Brest with extensive damage to her sonar dome.

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