Monday, September 24, 2012

Backstabbing Pundits

One has to wonder about some of the so-called conservative pundits who are out there badmouthing GOP presidential candidate Mitt Romney.  Do they want Obama in the White House for another four years?

Bill Kristol of the Weekly Standard called Romney "arrogant" and "stupid" the other day over Romney's 47% comment.   Kristol is an elitist establishment type who, according to talk show host Mike Gallagher, tries to curry favor with the Matt Laurer's (of NBC's Today Show) of the MSM.

Another pundit from the Beltway is former Reagan speechwriter Peggy Noonan.  On September 21, she wrote (in the Wall Street Journal) about the Romney campaign:

This week I called it incompetent, but only because I was being polite. I really meant "rolling calamity." 

Well, if coming from behind in Gallup Polls to be currently even with Obama, the Romney campaign seems to be on the right track.  I don't recall Noonan (or Kristol) ever running any political campaign to have the expertise to be judging the Romney campaign.

This prompted Romney surrogate John Sununu to quip,  "I wouldn't hire Peggy Noonan to run a campaign."

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