Monday, September 24, 2012

Julia Brownley Is Useless; Elect Tony Strickland U.S. Congress

Above, Tony Strickland.

Three years ago, I wrote to Democrat State Assemblywoman Julia Brownley about sponsoring Kelsey's Law (or Kelsey Smith Act) in California.

It is a proposed law that would have cell phone providers provide cell phone ping data to law enforcement agencies in emergencies (such as kidnappings).  It is named for Kelsey Smith of Overland Park, Kansas, who was kidnapped from a Target store and later found murdered in Missouri.  Her body was found 45 minutes after the cell phone provider gave law enforcement officials the data on Smith's last cell phone pings.

Three years have gone by and Assemblywoman Brownley still has not responded to my query.  Instead, she is running for Congress in the 26th District in Ventura County.  She is up against State Sen. Tony Strickland.

If this is the kind of service Brownley provides constituents, then she'd be better off retired.  She's useless!

I would suggest voting for State Senator Tony Strickland for U.S. Congress in the 26th Congressional District in Ventura County.

1 comment:

  1. This district is an example of how screwed up the GOP is.

    You are talking solid middle class small town American cities and the GOP is losing ground in every local election. If you can't win here just where are you planning on winning?
