Saturday, September 22, 2012

Forbes: Comikaze Expo "A Rousing Success"

Above, artist Neal Adams at Comikaze Expo.  Photo by Armand Vaquer. has an article on last weekend's Stan Lee's Comikaze Expo at the Los Angeles Convention Center.

The article starts with:

More than 50,000 people attended last weekend’s comic book/gaming/sci-fi/horror convention, Stan Lee’s Comikaze Expo, at the LA Convention Center. Debuting in 2011 with the largest first-time attendance of any comic book convention in history, this year’s convention definitely built on that success and featured a great roster of guests, exhibitors, and events. I was there and got some great pictures of guests, events, plus fanboys and fangirls decked out in their best cosplay — so read on and enjoy!

The article spotlights the writer's fondness for comic book legend Neal Adams.

To "read and enjoy" the full article, go here.

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