Saturday, September 22, 2012

Richard Sheffield, R.I.P.

Richard Sheffield, fan and friend of actor Bela Lugosi, has reportedly passed away, according to the Classic Horror Film Board Forum.

According to this write-up at Heritage Auctions:

[Sheffield] met his idol one Saturday at the fading star's modest apartment. Although Lugosi was failing, Sheffield sensed the power of the old magic (as well as the man's genuine charm and kindness) and fell under his formidable spell. He became the star's devoted acolyte for the last three years of Lugosi's life, and throughout the actor's final real-life melodramas -- including his drug addiction, alcoholism, and final (and stormy) marriage. (He even watched Bela acting his never-finished role in his posthumously released Plan 9 from Outer Space.)


  1. While this is sad, he is now reunited with his idol. Bela would be great company!

  2. How is he reunited?! What is truly silly statement!

  3. Richard Sheffield was my teacher in 6th and 7th grade in Simi Valley. He encouraged me to go on a summer exchange trip to Mexico, and let me into his adult Spanish night class so I would be prepared.
    In junior high, Mr. Sheffield used to tell us stories about being a pallbearer at Bela's funeral, how he restarted Bela's fan club, and how he and his friends went over to Stan Laurel's house (he was in the phone book), and Laurel taught them how to light their thumbs on fire.
    I wanted to reconnect with him and tell him what a huge influence he was on me, but by the time I found him, he had died.
