Wednesday, November 7, 2012

ComiXpress Back Up And Running

Above, Yuu Asakura with "The Monster Movie Fan's Guide To Japan."  Photo by Armand Vaquer.

One bit of good news came through today.

ComiXpress is up and running again as their power and Internet have been restored.

They posted this message today on their home page:

Quick update to let you know we have power and internet and we’ve never been more thrilled to get to work! 
We’re digging in and will get back to everyone as quickly as possible – long hours ahead and we couldn’t be happier about it. 
We want to thank all of you for not only the understanding and patience, but also the compassion and genuine humanity we’ve been shown. ComiXpress is run by a small group of comic creators and junkies, and it never ceases to amaze us what an amazing community this is. Thank you all – our cockles are seriously warmed. 
Now, back to work we go!
My reorder of The Monster Movie Fan's Guide To Japan should be completed by the Christmas holidays.

Looks like they'll be pleasantly busy for a while.

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