Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Sherman vs. Berman: Satisfaction!

There's one good aspect on tonight's election returns: I have the satisfaction of voting to retire Rep. Howard Berman.

He was up against another Democrat congressman, Rep. Brad Sherman in the newly-created 30th Congressional District.

Since the new cockamamie law pitted the top two vote-getters against each other in the general election (no matter what political party each belongs to), it was a choice between two Democrats. I supported Mark Reed during the primary campaign.

Despite my differences with Rep. Brad Sherman, I voted for him (and announced my intention to do so a week or so ago). This is the first time in my life I voted for a Democrat for Congress. At present, Sherman leads by 59% to Berman's 41%.

Why do I have the satisfaction of retiring Berman?  Back in the 1970s, he and Rep. Henry Waxman put up carpetbagger candidates against GOP legislators that included Assemblyman Paul T. Bannai in the Gardena-Hawthorne area, where I lived.  I also worked for Bannai.  One such carpetbagger they put up was Maurice Mayesh.

Well, ol' Howie can consider this payback!  (Yes, I do have a long memory!)

The icing on the cake tonight:  I was checking to see the election returns on this race and found this on NBC-Los Angeles:

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