Saturday, November 24, 2012

Monster Japan Travel Guide News Picked Up By NewsBlaze

Above, Yuu Asakura with "The Monster Movie Fan's Guide To Japan."  Photo by Armand Vaquer. picked up the news on the holiday discount sale of The Monster Movie Fan's Guide To Japan.

What is NewsBlaze?  Here's what it's about:

In February 2005, the introduction of provided Internet news seekers the outlet they had been searching for. An independent news source, Newsblaze was founded with the goal of providing attention to the news that the mainstream media gives little or no attention to. 
"We try to show the news as-is, without spin," said Newsblaze founder Alan Gray. "Opinions writers are not allowed all-out attacks on their opponents - anger and displeasure can be shown without resorting to that." 
In its effort to provide a variety of news stories from a wide array of sources, Newsblaze draws from articles and press releases from the United Nations, NATO, the U.S. Department of Defense, the U.S. Department of State, the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, the Iraqi government, environmental groups and other organizations 
Newsblaze offers a large amount of visual news as well, using pictures whenever possible and carrying video news releases from Eworldwire. This added media, combined with hyperlinks and background information, gives readers a more complete understanding of the news stories of the day. "We feel that NewsBlaze has been able to help get the word out on a lot of things that otherwise would have had little or no coverage," Gray said 
Newsblaze visitors are quickly making it one of the Internet's most sought-after news sources.

To view the page, go here.

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