Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Sen. Daniel Inouye Dies At 88

Hawaii Senator Daniel Inouye passed away yesterday at Walter Reed Military Medical Center at age 88.  The cause of death was said to be due to respiratory complications.

He was a rare Democrat that I had admiration for.

The Washington Post has an excellent obituary on Inouye, to view it go here.

My earliest recollection of Inouye was during the Senate Watergate hearings back in 1973.  During the hearings, John Ehrlichman’s attorney referred to Sen. Inouye as “that little Jap” when an unguarded moment with a live microphone caught Inouye refer to Ehrlichman as a "liar."  When this happened, I was working as a Field Representative for Japanese-American California Assemblyman Paul T. Bannai in Gardena and KABC-TV sent reporters to our office for the Assembyman's reaction.

Inouye's experiences during World War II are vividly recounted in Ken Burns's "The War" series.  It was shown on PBS a few years ago, but is now available on DVD.

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