Friday, January 25, 2013

Top 5 Tourist Traps In Japan

Above, one of the moats of the Imperial Palace.  Photo by Armand Vaquer.

The Tokyo Times has posted an article on the "Top 5 Tourist Traps In Japan."

They start it with:

Foreign tourists in Japan are overwhelmed with advice regarding must-see places, but many of them are disappointed when they arrive and realize the locations are not actually that great. Reddit website published a list of the most disappointing tourist places, based on the users’ recommendations. Among them there are Roppongi, Tokyo, and Disneyland.

There's two I've been to on the list that I would disagree on: the Imperial Palace and Roppongi.  Visitors don't actually go in the Imperial Palace grounds, but seeing the Nijubashi Bridge, the moats and gardens weren't disappointments to me.  I've had some good times in Roppongi whenever I've gone there.  One just has to know where in Roppongi to go to.

Tokyo, in general, is a fun place to me.  There's always something to do and see there.

To read the full article, go here.

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