Sunday, April 7, 2013

Durango, Colorado Aiming For Japanese Tourists

Above, the Durango & Silverton train leaves Durango station.  Photo by Armand Vaquer.

Generally, my focus on travel is providing information on getting American tourists to Japan.  This time, the focus is the other way around by getting Japanese tourists to the United States.

Durango, Colorado is seeking to get more Japanese tourists to their area's attractions.  Durango is home to the Durango & Silverton Narrow Gauge Railroad that takes tourists to Silverton, Colorado along the spectacular  Animas River gorge.  It is a train and photography buff's paradise as the train meanders it way along cliff sides 300 feet above the Animas River.  I have taken this train trip several times and I highly recommend it.

Above, the train travels along the cliffs of Highline en route to Silverton.  Photo
by Only

And, nearby is Mesa Verde National Park, which features several ancient Indian cliff dwellings that visitors can hike to.  I have also visited Mesa Verde National Park.

I have a permanent link to the Durango & Silverton Narrow Gauge Railroad on this blog.  Just click on the photo of the Durango train at my gallery at right.

According to the Durango Herald:

The United States Travel Association predicts a 4 percent increase in international travel to the U.S. in 2013. Those international visitors are predicted to increase travel receipts by 7.1 percent. 
What would it look like if Durango kept pace with that projection? Our goal at the Durango Area Tourism Office is to find out, and to increase foreign chatter on the streets of Durango. 
United Airlines has introduced a new direct flight from Japan to Denver. With that in mind, we have identified a new viable transportation route to bring new travelers into Durango and Mesa Verde National Park. 
Starting in June, the Japanese traveler has a new direct port of entry into the United States. Upon arrival in Denver, the puddle jump to Durango becomes an attractive doorway to the beautiful Wild West. 
DATO’s next step is to capitalize on this new opportunity, build awareness and create new demand – invite, entice and welcome the potential travelers.
 I think Japanese visitors will be enchanted by Durango and will want to make repeat visits once they give Durango's attractions a try.

To read more, go here.

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