Thursday, May 9, 2013

Chuck Hagel's War on Pin-ups

Above, Betty Grable would be illegal under Chuck Hagel's orders.

Secretary of Defense Chuck Hagel has declared war on pin-up girls.

According to

Chuck Hagel has his priorities. 
The country’s in the middle of a war against terrorists. The administration he serves all but admits the military he’s in charge of can’t or won’t back up tough talk to Syria. But the Defense secretary keeps his eyes on the prize. 
According to the Military Times, Hagel has ordered inspections to make sure American soldiers, sailors and marines the world over have only G-rated material in their workplace.
The mission is to ensure there are no “materials that create a degrading or offensive work environment,” Military Times reports. 
According to the paper, the effort will be similar to one performed by the Air Force last year that “prompted officers to scour troops’ desks and cubicles in search of photos, calendars, magazines, screen-savers, computer files and other items that might be considered degrading toward women.”
What a jackass!

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