Thursday, May 9, 2013

WSJ: Tourists Check Out A Newly Affordable Japan

Above, the Sensoji Temple in Asakusa, Tokyo.  Photo by Armand Vaquer.

This is pretty much a rehash of what's been posted before, but more media outlets are recognizing that the drop in the Japanese yen is making Japan a tourist draw as it has become more affordable.

The latest is the Wall Street Journal.  They wrote:
The yen's drop is transforming Japan's reputation as a prohibitively expensive place to visit, turbocharging a tourism industry long identified as a growth engine for the maturing economy. 
With a dollar now fetching ¥100—up from less than ¥80 in November—foreign visitors have surged, while Japanese curb overseas travel and do more sightseeing at home. 
The number of foreign visitors to Japan in March, even before the yen's latest tumble, was up 26% from a year earlier to 857,000, the highest for a March since 1964, when the Japan National Tourism Organization started taking statistics.

From all indications, people are once again looking at Japan as a great place to vacation.  There's plenty to see and do there.

To read the full article, go here.

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