Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Bedford Today: "Speeding up to slow down in Japan"

Above, a view of Tokyo after stepping out of Tokyo Station.  Photo by Armand Vaquer.

The United Kingdom's Bedford Today (Bedford Times & Citizen) has posted a travel article on experiencing two different Japans.

First, is the futuristic city of Tokyo and then the former capital of Japan, Kyoto.

The article starts with:
Think of Japan, and normally one image springs to mind - a futuristic one. 
Landing at Narita airport, you don’t have to wait long to see it. There are glowing neon signs, space-age toilets complete with sound effects and seat heaters, tempting vending machines... not to mention hi-tech air-conditioned trains waiting to whizz passengers out to destinations all over the country. 
Arrive in Tokyo, and again it’s as you hoped it would be; like sci-fi come to life.
To read the article, go here.

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