Monday, July 29, 2013

John Crotty, R.I.P.

Learned some sad news today. A fellow Hawthorne High School alumni, John Crotty, has passed away. John and I had some fun at the Cougartown (the Hawthorne High School alumni website) Feedback forum over the years. We also exchanged some great emails.

John was a police officer with the Los Angeles Police Department and one of the school's "jocks."

A few years ago, I posted about an E Clampus Vitus joke about the San Pedro & Catalina Railroad and it generated this response from John:
Name: John Crotty ~~~~~~~~~~ Wed-Dec 12, 2007, 11:51 am - HHS Time
Message: Wait a minute!!!! There was actually a train that went to Catalina???? In all my days I have never heard of that before Armand's post. I'm being had aren't I? I get it....December Fools!!!!!!!John, you poor gullible bastard ........
His daughter Amanda has posted this tribute video in John's honor.

R.I.P., JC. 

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