Monday, July 29, 2013

JapanTourist: Spotlight on Sendai Station

Above, Sendai Station.  Photo by Armand Vaquer.

JR Sendai Station is spotlighted by a fellow contributor at JapanTourist.  It is the gateway into Tohoku and is only an hour and a half away from Tokyo Station via shinkansen.

It was also the detonation point of the Legion flower pod explosion in Gamera 2: Attack of Legion (1996) that obliterated Sendai. It was also briefly featured in Godzilla vs. MechaGodzilla II (1993) during a flyover scene by Fire Rodan.

Above, Fire Rodan flies over Sendai Station in
"Godzilla vs MechaGodzilla II."  Photo: Toho Co., Ltd.

According to the article by Jeremy Yap in JapanTourist:
JR Sendai Station connects the Tohoku Main Line, Senzao Line, Senseki Line, Joban Line, Sendai Airport Access Line, Tohoku Shinkansen Line, Akita Shinkansen Line and Nanboku subway all together in one spot. This makes Sendai a really busy station and as such, there is a great ecosystem of stores, shops and convenience stores located all within the station.
Above, a hurt Gamera amid the rubble of Sendai
Station in "Gamera 2." Photo: Daiei Motion Picture Co.

I visited Sendai in 2004 while on a bit of a "sentimental journey" to see the city my father was briefly stationed during the Korean War and nearby Matsushima Bay.

Sendai and Sendai Station are featured on pages 16-17 in The Monster Movie Fan's Guide To Japan.

To read the full JapanTourist article, go here.

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