Monday, July 29, 2013

Seven Essentials According To Japanese Tourists

Above, a lot of my stuff in my hotel room in Sasebo.  Photo by Armand Vaquer.

RocketNews24 has posted an interesting article on the top seven items that Japanese travelers recommend bringing along on vacation trips.

There's some real cool gadgets (some of which I've never heard of before) that Japanese people would probably feel lost without.

The article starts with:
Do you love to travel? I do! I even love long plane flights, since you’re basically free to eat, sleep or watch as many movies as you like while flying. In fact, the only aspect of traveling I’m not keen on is having to lug around heavy pieces of luggage, and I can certainly understand if some people out there prefer to travel as light as possible. However, there may be some useful items that are worth taking with you on trips, even if it means your luggage becomes slightly heavier. According to a post on Japanese information compilation site Naver Matome, here are seven such items that experienced Japanese travelers say can be a godsend, which they recommend you pack with you on your next trip!
To see the seven items, go here

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