Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Consider An Autumn Vacation To Tokyo

Above Shibuya in autumn.  Photo by Armadn Vaquer.

It may not seem like it now, given record temperatures in Japan of late, but soon the temperatures will drop for the autumn season and the exchange rate between the U.S. dollar and the Japanese yen has been the best in years for people to consider an autumn vacation to Japan.

The U.K. Telegraph wrote:
Tokyo has long been seen as a pricey destination. Now, however, things are cooling down. Visitors may not yet find themselves swinging from chandeliers while swigging vintage champagne – but the astute will find the cost of food, transport, accommodation and shopping (that all-important Tokyo activity) considerably eased compared to last year. 
By mid-September, the summer heat and humidity will also finally give way to one of the most pleasant times of year, with blue skies, temperate climes and a cornucopia of culinary delights in restaurants, from mushrooms to persimmon.
The Telegraph's article has some good ideas on places to see, where to stay (they recommend Shibuya's Hotel Fukudaya as a budget accommodation) and where to eat.

The article does contain one error. They have a photo of Tokyo Tower that is captioned as the Tokyo Sky Tree.

To see the article, go here.

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