Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Limbaugh: Liberal Reaction to the Missouri Rodeo Clown is Akin to the Radical Muslim Response to a Mohammed Cartoon

Rush Limbaugh nailed it in his commentary today on the Missouri rodeo clown who dared to mock The Messiah:
I mean, this is over the top.  And the way people are caving on this in Missouri, instead of standing up and pointing out this for what it is.  This wasn't a sacrilege; it's a joke, for crying out loud.  And presidents are laughed at, and they're poked fun of.  Ask George W. Bush.  Ask Ronald Reagan.  Ask George H. W. Bush.  Ask Clinton, for crying out loud.  
This burns me.  This is outrageous.  This is no different than what happened in all those countries that had the cartoons of the prophet and militant Muslims had a cow over it, went nuts.  It's exactly what's happening here.  What do we have, a president of the United States who is above all this?  We have a president who's above criticism, above being mocked, above being laughed at?  We have not just a president, we have an entire Democrat political party and the American left which thinks that they are so damn special that they cannot be mocked, they cannot be made fun of. 
To read more, go here.

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