Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Japan Launches Biggest Warship On Anniversary of Hiroshima

Above, the Hiroshima Peace Memorial Park and Museum.  Photo by Armand Vaquer.
Japan launched its biggest warship since World War II on the 68th anniversary of the Hiroshima atomic bomb attack.

According to the Times of Oman:
Tokyo: Japan unveiled its biggest warship since World War II on Tuesday, a $1.2 billion helicopter carrier aimed at defending territorial claims, drawing criticism from regional rival China which accused its neighbour of "constant" military expansion. 
The ceremony to showcase the 248-metre vessel came as Shinzo Abe's conservative government, which took office last December, considers ditching the nation's pacifist constitution and beefing up the military. 
Japan plans to use the helicopter carrier, named Izumo and expected to go into service in 2015, to defend territorial claims following maritime skirmishes with China, which has demonstrated its own military ambitions in recent years.
In regard to the launching of the warship on the anniversary of Hiroshima:
Tokyo said the jarring timing was coincidental and that Tuesday had been chosen because of favourable ocean tides and an auspicious date.
To read more, go here.

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