Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Monica Crowley: Calling BS On The Leftist Media

Political pundit Monica Crowley applauded GOP National Chairman Reince Priebus for telling NBC (National Barack Channel) and CNN (Clinton News Network) to take a hike on hosting 2016 presidential debates if they air puff programs on Hillary Clinton.

She wrote on her blog:
Republican National Committee Chairman Reince Priebus and the RNC have finally thrown down the gauntlet on media bias. They want NBC and CNN to cancel upcoming programs on Hillary Rodham Clinton and are threatening to blackball the networks from future Republican presidential debates if they fail to comply. 
To that, I say: AMEN. 
Reince is absolutely right to call for NBC and CNN to cancel these films. We all know, given these networks' leftist politics, that these films will be nothing more than gauzy propaganda pieces to elevate and celebrate her. The only leverage the GOP really has is to threaten to pull debates from those networks if they air this propaganda, and I say more power to him!
I agree with Crowley. We already know how biased these networks are and the time has come to call them out on their BS.

To read Crowley's full article, go here.

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