Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Sarah Palin: "Don't Fund ObamaCare"

Former Alaska Governor Sarah Palin posted the following at Facebook:

Forced enrollment in Obama's "Unaffordable Care Act" is weeks away. This beast must be stopped -- by not funding it. Today, Todd and I joined with many of our fellow citizens to urge those in the U.S. Senate to not fund Obamacare. 
We The People must continue to make our voices heard and hold those elected to serve this great nation accountable. Those in the Senate and those seeking to serve there must stand strong against this devastating program before it reveals its true face now recognized by both sides of the aisle as the bureaucratic and economic beast that will deny our families, our businesses, and our sick the ability to access health care.

The time for rhetoric and ceremonial votes in Congress is over. The time to take serious action to stop Obamacare is now. Join us in urging Senators -- Don't Fund Obamacare! Just remember -- if you fund it, you own it!

- Sarah Palin

P.S.: Click here to join us in signing this petition:

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