Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Top 10 Words Foreigners Use To Describe Japanese People

Above, Tokyo Station.  One of the adjectives used was "punctual" as the trains adhere to strict schedules. Photo by Armand Vaquer.
RocketNews24 has an article on the top ten adjectives foreigners use in describing Japanese people. Fortunately, they're all positive.

The article begins with:
There isn’t a country in the world immune from stereotypes. All people form opinions about places and their inhabitants based on whatever they can glean from the food, tourism, and art of the culture. But not all sweeping generalizations have to be mean and unfounded. The results on a thread asking for the “perfect words to describe Japanese people” were surprisingly positive! 
Here are the most common adjectives that Westerners chose when characterizing the people of Japan.
To see the top ten, go here.

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