Friday, August 23, 2013

Tokyo's "Book Town"

Shopping in Tokyo is an interesting experience. Finding places are sometimes difficult as there is no rhyme or reason to the street address system in Tokyo. But if you have a good map and are willing to ask directions, you'll find what you're looking for.

Luckily, finding places are made easier as products are somewhat centered in different areas of the city. For example, there's a center for photography equipment in Shinjuku and there's a center for electronics, games and computers in Akihabara.

Another such center is the Kanda-Jinbocho area that is the bookstore mecca of Tokyo. Jinbocho is known as the “book town” of Japan. It is also the home to several publishing houses. There are many shops selling used books, unusual books and even rare Japanese prints. Most carry Japanese-language books, but if one looks hard enough, English-language books can be found. Generally, most of the shops are closed on Sundays.

Also, there are many curio and antique shops in the district.

Kanda-Jinbocho (marked with an "A" in the above map) is located in the Chiyoda-ku ward of Tokyo, not far from the Imperial Palace.

For more on Tokyo's "Book Town," go here.

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