Saturday, August 24, 2013

UPS and Delta Hit With Massive ObamaCare Costs

The bad news keeps on coming in regards to ObamaCare.

The Marietta Daily Journal reported:

The iceberg of the massive costs of Obamacare is starting to emerge, and two major Atlanta-based companies offer the latest evidence of the looming impact of the misnamed Affordable Care Act. 
Delta Airlines is looking at an Obamacare-triggered increase of nearly $100 million next year in the cost of providing health care to approximately 160,000 active and retired employees and family members enrolled in the company program. United Parcel Service has decided to exclude from the company’s plan 15,000 working spouses of employees, since the spouses are eligible for coverage with their own employers. UPS expects to save about $60 million a year as a result. 
These developments came to light recently with disclosure of a letter from Delta to the Obama administration and a UPS memo to its employees. The information dramatically shows the consequences — intended and unintended — from implementation of the health care law opposed by a majority of Americans in poll after poll. Not only is Obamacare starting to wreak havoc with employer costs but it also is negatively affecting job growth as already evidenced.

This is the great healthcare bill that the Democrats, when they controlled both houses of congress, rammed down everyone's throats without a single Republican vote. They also said that nobody could see what the bill contained until it was passed. Now we know why.

That's why stupid people shouldn't be allowed to vote.

Read more: The Marietta Daily Journal - Obamacare iceberg hitting Delta UPS with huge cost increases

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