Saturday, August 24, 2013

Working On Japanese Booksellers

Above, Miki Hayashi with "The Monster Movie Fan's Guide To Japan."  Photo by Armand Vaquer.

Keeping busy of late has not been a problem. One of the things that keep me occupied is The Monster Movie Fan's Guide To Japan.

There's always new things to do and promoting keeps it in the public eye. The old saying goes, "Out of sight, out of mind."

I have been in contact with a number of book dealers in Japan. Primarily, in and out of Tokyo. We are discussing the possibility of having them become a dealer for the travel guide. Granted, English-language publications aren't in high demand in Japan, but the Japanese are required to learn some English during their school years and they may want to practice their skills with the travel guide (provided they're kaiju fans in the first place).

As soon as things get formalized with any of the booksellers in Japan, I will post the news here.

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