Thursday, May 15, 2014

Hero Kitty! (Warning: Graphic Scenes)

In this day and age, one hears of too many stories of people in close proximity to a scene of a crime where someone is viciously attacked, leading to serious injuries or death, but do nothing about stopping the perpetrator as they "don't want to get involved." Well, here's a story of a cat who "got involved" and came to the rescue of a child.

Well, here's a story of a cat who "got involved" and came to the rescue of a child. The video and story of the Bakersfield cat who came to the rescue of a four-year-old boy has gone viral. I am glad that it has.

According to
A May 13, 2014, surveillance video of a cat protecting a 4-year-old boy from a vicious dog attack went viral when Roger Triantafilo, the boy’s father, uploaded it to YouTube Wednesday.  
The video, titled “My Cat Saved My Son,” shows the boy riding a bike in front of his Bakersfield, Calif., home when a neighbor’s dog attacks him. The dog begins biting and dragging the boy, when suddenly the cat pounces on the dog, chasing it away.
That is one heroic cat! (We cat-owners aren't surprised that a cat should come to the rescue. Cats are a lot smarter than some people give them credit for.)

A slight digression:

Several years ago, a neighbor lady was being assaulted and punched by a crack whore in front of our apartment building. I was nearby and had a container of mace (I think mace is more effective than pepper spray) on me. I ran out, fired off a good shot of mace to the crack whore's face and she ran down the block screaming. That was the end of that attack. That's also involvement.

End of slight digression.

I hope the owners of the dog are prosecuted or get a big, fat lawsuit on them for letting such a vicious dog run loose in the neighborhood.

More people should be like that cat.

To read more, go here.

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