Thursday, May 15, 2014

USA Today: "Godzilla" Exhilarating

Above, the giant Godzilla poster at Warner Bros. in Burbank. Photo by Armand Vaquer.

It took 16 years to do it, but it appears that this year's Godzilla will finally remove that bad taste left in everyone's mouths from the 1998 Godzilla.

Hollywood finally got it right!

USA Today has posted their review of the movie (*** out of four) and here's a few of their review's comments:
Creature features are all about gargantuan snarling monsters and great balls of fire, not awards-worthy performances. And the titular leviathan is a majestic beast indeed. 
The retooled story also resonates in contemporary times, with shades of the 2011 Fukushima nuclear disaster hanging over the film.

A behemoth meant as nature's imposing defense weapon, Godzilla glides in the Pacific with a gator's stealthy grace, then stomps out to set things straight. 
Godzilla 2014 is a more somber and frightening reboot than the cartoonish 1998 movie. Disaster sequences are not slap-happy destruct-a-thons, but emotionally devastating and horrifying, as originally envisioned.
To read the full review, go here

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