Saturday, May 31, 2014

I'm Big In Florida

Above, an introductory video/slideshow at the start of Haruo Nakajima's and Akira Takarada's
session. Both were watching from "the wings" while this was shown. Photo courtesy of Tim Price.

The Spooky Empire's MAY-HEM! convention is currently being held in Orlando, Florida.

The two top kaiju guests are Haruo Nakajima and Akira Takarada.  Tim Price (Big In Japan) took this shot from their session. On the screen are Nakajima and I from last year's Mad Monster Party in Charlotte, North Carolina. It was part of a "fan appreciation video" shown at the start of the session that was made by Price.

Nothing like being in Florida without actually stepping out of California!

Here's the original photo of Nakajima and I getting "photo-bombed" by Godzilla:

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