Saturday, May 31, 2014

Japan Airlines Voted "Best Airline" In 2014 TripAdvisor Vote

TripAdvisor users have chosen Japan Airlines as the best airline in the 2014 "Travelers' Choice Favorite" voting.

According to The FINANCIAL:
The FINANCIAL -- Japan Airlines (JAL) was chosen as the best airline in the 2014 TripAdvisor Travelers’ Choice Favorite in Japan, according to Japan Airlines. 
TripAdvisor is the world’s largest travel website offering travel advice and unbiased reviews from users. Since 2013, TripAdvisor Japan has invited its users to vote for their favorite brands on a wide range of travel-related categories. In 2014 TripAdvisor Japan Travelers’ Choice Favorite, voted for their favorite brands for 13 categories for overseas travel. JAL was chosen as the travelers’ most favorite brand in the airline category, which is newly added this year.
To read more, go here

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