Monday, May 26, 2014

LAX To Tokyo Airfares Jump and Latest In The Japan Daily

Above, newly arrived travelers in Narita Airport's Arrival Lobby. Photo by Armand Vaquer.

My monthly airfare check isn't due until next week, but I did notice that airfares from Los Angeles International Airport (LAX) and Tokyo have climbed since my May 5 report.

In that report, I noted that the lowest round-trip airfare found by the Los Angeles Times between LAX and Tokyo was $829.00 (not counting taxes and fees). I took a look at yesterday's L.A. Times Travel section and the lowest they found was nearly $500 more. Their lowest was $1,304.00, and that also does not include any taxes or fees.

We'll see if the prices change next week when I do my June check. Will they be lower? Higher? Or the same?

This tells us that we're headed into the vacation season when the airlines do raise prices.


The Japan Daily has picked up two of yesterday's blog posts.

The first is on being able to use PayPal to order a print copy of The Monster Movie Fan's Guide To Japan. This has come in quite handy as I don't have to wait for checks to clear before shipping the travel guides out. I can do so immediately once PayPal sends over the confirmation. A bunch of them should be hitting mailboxes tomorrow (Tuesday) as there's no mail service due to today being Memorial Day.

A reminder, the sale (at a 20% discount from the cover price) is still on until June 16. Go here for ordering.

The second was on my blog about staying at a Japanese ryokan (Japanese inn) instead of hotels for that "Japanese experience."

To see The Japan Daily, go here.

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