Tuesday, May 20, 2014

My Interview With The Freehold Is Now Up!

Above, your truly in Tokyo.

The Freehold has posted their interview with me on Godzilla and The Monster Movie Fan's Guide To Japan by A. A. Kidd. (They work fast!)

They begin it with this statement:
With the new Godzilla film scorching up the box office and also proving to be a surprising critical hit as well, we thought this was a good time to consult an expert in the field. Armand Vaquer, author of The Monster Movie Fan’s Guide to Japan, has long been a fan of Godzilla and other Japanese giant monsters, and has been active in G-fandom for years. He was kind enough to answer a few questions about his time in fandom and shed some light on an often-misunderstood genre and fan subculture.
To read the full interview, go here

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