Tuesday, May 20, 2014

The Freehold

Above, Godzilla and The Monster Movie Fan's Guide To Japan were interview topics.

Today is starting off pretty good. I just completed an interview on Godzilla and The Monster Movie Fan's Guide To Japan with The Freehold.

The Freehold is a blog site, run by Jonathan Baird, that (in their own words) is:
An Online Journal of Speculative Fiction from a Classical Liberal Perspective
Just so you don't get confused, a classical liberal is not what today's liberals are. Today's liberals are essentially leftists (or statists) who believe in big government, spending, power and control. Their ideology has also degenerated into economically unsound views and intolerance (particularly against Christianity and any views that don't agree with theirs).

The classical liberal's primary emphasis was placed on securing the freedom of the individual by limiting the power of the government. You can say that today's conservatives (and, to some degree, libertarians) are the classical liberals of old.

To see The Freehold, go here. I have The Freehold listed in my Blog List.


  1. Thanks Armand! Just to clarify, however, the site is run not by me but by my friend Jonathan Baird. I've just been doing more writing for the site lately, as Jonathan has been busy at graduate school!
