Monday, June 2, 2014

Terrorists For Hostages

From Liberty
It’s bad enough that Obama made an extraordinary shift in U.S. foreign policy by negotiating with terrorists. What’s worse, though, is that we’re now trading five of the most notorious terrorists we have in captivity for a soldier who is accused of being a traitor.  
And while it’s not yet confirmed that Bergdahl is a traitor (although most reports suggest he did leave post), the White House did, in fact, break the law in negotiating the trade without informing Congress.

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Columnist Monica Crowley wrote:
"He was a deserter. There's no question in the minds of anyone in our platoon." 
So says Specialist Cody Full, who served in the same platoon as Army Sgt. Bowe Bergdahl, just released by the Taliban 5 years after he left his post---in exchange for the Obama administration's release of 5 top Taliban commanders from Guantanamo Bay..."the worst of the worst," as some in the Pentagon and intelligence community have called them.  
Mystery surrounds how Bergdahl came to leave his post, and questions abound as to whether he deliberately deserted in order to draw out American troops to search for him...and put them in the line of fire for the enemy. He had written emails to his father calling America a "horror" and "disgusting." His father, who has been on a long campaign to free ALL enemy terrorists from Gitmo, replied, "OBEY YOUR CONSCIENCE." I don't know about you, but my mother would have emailed me, "OBEY YOUR SUPERIORS."  
At least 6 soldiers were killed in searches for Bergdahl.

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