Wednesday, March 9, 2016

Google Travel Launches Today

Above, the St.Regis Bora Bora Resort in Tahiti.

For those of you who use the Internet to plan and book vacations, there's a new tool to help you find what you want. And, it's pretty much a one-stop site for all of your travel needs. As the title of the article in Condé Nast Traveler says, "Google Travel Does Everything For You Except Pack".

Google Travel is launching today.

Condé Nast Traveler reported:
A few years ago, Google's director of engineering Radhika Malpani was considering a summer trip to Greece. Being a Google employee, she naturally started out by searching a few terms on her phone, but she soon had so many different tabs open for flights, hotels, itineraries, and attractions that she found herself overwhelmed and wishing she could pass the whole project off to a travel agent. Instead, she brought her problem to work as a test case for what would become Google Travel, which officially launches today.
You can't book anything on Google Travel, but it will direct you to third party sites like Orbitz.

According to the article:
After all, Google doesn't want to be your travel agent. (Yet.)
It would be a lot more attractive site if it would allow people to book there. They may get around to it eventually.

To read more, go here.

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