Friday, February 17, 2017

Curt Swan's Birthday

Above, Curt Swan sketching Superman.

Today marks what would have been Superman artist Curt Swan's 97th birthday.

Unfortunately, he passed away unexpectedly in 1996. He is considered by many (including me) the "definitive" Superman artist.

He also was assigned to illustrate the Legion of Super-Heroes, Lois Lane, Superboy, Jimmy Olsen, Aquaman, Batman and many others by DC Comics over the course of his career.

Above, two pages of Swan's Superman pencil work.

According to Wikipedia:
Douglas Curtis "Curt" Swan (February 17, 1920 – June 17, 1996) was an American comic book artist. The artist most associated with Superman during the period fans call the Silver Age of comic books, Swan produced hundreds of covers and stories from the 1950s through the 1980s.

Thankfully, I own a page that Swan drew that was inked by Murphy Anderson during the early 1970s.

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