Friday, February 17, 2017

The Great Deluge of 2017

Above, yours truly in the car at the market today. 

The heaviest rainstorm this season struck Los Angeles today.

It was predicted that one inch of rain per hour is expected to fall in the area. I believe it! I had to drive to West L.A. and back in it.

Jes, her mom and I went to the Ronald Reagan UCLA Medical Center for a meeting that did not take place. Somebody got the information wrong. Well, we get to do it all again this coming Monday. Hopefully, we'll have dry weather that day. At least we had a good lunch at the hospital cafeteria.

The streets in the San Fernando Valley were like rivers. I hadn't seen such flooding in the Valley for a long time. It reminded me of the 1973 special election of a North Hollywood area state senate seat. Alan Robbins and Phil Johnson were in a head-to-head election showdown. It rained heavily on election night and a group of us from the Young Republicans of El Camino College took part in the GOTV that night. It was a lot of fun driving through the rain to get voters to the polls.

Johnson lost the special election. But, at least we had a good spaghetti dinner hosted by the Johnson campaign or the California Republican Party that night in a gymnasium. I later received  a thank-you note from then-Gov. Ronald Reagan, who said we all braved the storm for the GOP.

"Lake Tarzana" re-formed in my apartment's parking lot by the time I got home. My shoes were drenched through by the time I got inside. Looks like I am staying put tonight.

What drought?

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