Saturday, March 25, 2017

Bison Not Welcome By Montana Ranchers

Above, bison sunning in Yellowstone National Park. Photo by Armand Vaquer

It seems that not everyone in the state of Montana are willing to welcome herds of Yellowstone bison with open arms.

According to the Great Falls Tribune:
In 2014 the conservation organization, Defenders of Wildlife, commissioned a survey asking registered voters for their opinions on re-establishing bison herds on public lands in Montana. The survey concluded that two-thirds of Montanans support efforts to relocate disease-free bison from Yellowstone National Park to start new herds in other parts of the state. 
The same cannot be said for the opinions of a large percentage of the landowners living in areas were bison restoration has been proposed. Among the farm and ranch communities of central Montana, the prospect of large herds of free-roaming bison grazing one fence-line over is viewed as a threat; not only because of the potential damage escaped bison might inflict on ranching and farming operations, but also as a challenge to the region’s economic viability and cultural traditions going back more than 130 years.

To read more, go here

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