Saturday, March 25, 2017

Seeing Wolves In Yellowstone National Park

Above, somewhere in Lamar Valley of Yellowstone are wolves. Photo by Armand Vaquer.

Lucky people who visit Yellowstone National Park are the ones who get to see wolves. Unfortunately, despite two trips to Yellowstone, I haven't seen any.

According to an article in the Idaho Statesman, winter and the early spring are the best times to see wolves.

They wrote:
Three dark-colored wolves loped in single file on a stark, snowy, wind-swept bench along Yellowstone National Park’s Lamar River after feeding on the eerie-looking skeletal remains of a bull elk. 
“There they are,” a photographer whispered on a February day in a highway turnout, about 40 miles deep into the northern part of the park at Lamar Valley. 
The tight parking area was spilling over with vehicles and excited onlookers with spotting scopes and cameras with 2-foot-long telephoto lenses mounted on tripods.
“This is addicting,” said Don Andrews of Vancouver, Wash., as he peered into his scope. Right next to him was his wife, Gail, with her eyes glued to another scope watching the wolves romp silhouetted against the snow. The Andrewses were spending 12 days in the park in February searching for, photographing and watching the storied Yellowstone predator.
For them, seeing Yellowstone wolves doesn’t get old. They keep coming back year after year in winter.
To read more, go here.

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